Class04 will continue with some look development on the chair, finesse the lights, and break the render into passes with writeToColorBuffer so we can slap comp in Nuke. Hopefully a little over half the class on this just to get a better looking images, then on to moving footage.
1) Begin lookdev with gray walls, and placement of the three MR area lights, good shadows.
2) Then do some shader work, tune the color, refl glossiness, and bump.
3) Improve the mesh of the chair with disp map approximation editor and cutout opacity.
4) Break the render into AOV passes using writeToColorBuffer and two render layers.
render layer chair
beauty, diffuse, indirect, reflection, shadow
render layer floor
custom_result, refl, indirect, shadow
5) Command line rendering in a shell.
render -mr:v 5 -s 1 -e 1 -b 1 -cam cam_0734 -x 3008 -y 2000 -mr:at fxphd_class04_hallway_v13_passes.mb
6) Bring the two images into Nuke, shuffle out all used passes, then merge together with CC.
mip_matteshadow based on “Differential Shading”
- result - the compound result.
shadows raw - the raw full-color shadow pass on white background, suitable for
compositing on top of a background in \multiply" mode.
- ao_raw - the raw ambient occlusion.
- indirect_raw - the indirect light arriving
- refl_raw - the raw reflections
- illumination_raw - light gathered from any lights in the illuminators list.
writeToColorBuffer pulldown chooses the CustomPass you make in passes
in Render Globals -> Options -> Custom Entites -> Pass Custom Alpha Channel, need ON
black with zero alpha is mib_color_alpha, this plugs into EYE of mip_rayswitch when you render.
Beauty = diffuse_result + indirect_result + spec_result +
refl_result + refr_result + tran_result +
refl_result + refr_result + tran_result +
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